It was business as usual apparently. The gesture of calling her by her human name took Arachne back a bit. She would answer to either name though. "[color=slateblue][b]I don't know where the head is. And we have the element of surprise right now being from the outside. If we play our hand too soon then we risk getting the jump on the enemy.[/b][/color]" Letting her hair down she lightly brushed it out so it wouldn't get tangled. Pausing for a moment she lowered a hand to the counter. A small spider crawled out from the underside of the bar and onto her finger. Lifting it up she appeared to listen briefly before letting it climb its way up her arm and down her body to the floor. "[color=slateblue][b]Apparently a local daycare is what was lit up today. A force mostly consisting of thralls attacked the place with traditional firearms and RPGs. Not entirely sure who they were trying to take out but a few in the group I recognize. A Faerie that worked for my firm for a time and a half-demon that he represented in human court.[/b][/color]" Stopping so as not to drone on she got to her feet and seemed to be thinking. "[color=slateblue][b]We should wait and see what side they are on. I'm sure we'll find out before the end of the night since they will need to scurry to a new hole.[/b][/color]"