[@ShadowVentus] ((Sorry for missing this. Our posting record here sucks XP)) Mia smiles, as she observes from above. An evil copy, that was simple enough. It would be a useful tool in her future endaevours, and Ven himself might prove a useful asset as well. She would utilize this occasion to attempt to figure out how these keyblades worked, as they were clearly linked to the Soul. If at all possible, she would apply the technology to her own ships and mainframes, further bonding them to her person. With the exertion of a mental muscle, she opened Micheal's containment area. The original came sputtering out, green liquid soon draining down the grills placed around the room at regular intervals, even as the many tubes that had been implanted into his back sprung loose. It would be amusing to get his input on the matter. And, of course, she had to see the results of her work. She was a professional after all, and a dip in quality would not be allowed.