The huge piece of earth slammed into the ground, sending lava and rock flying everywhere in its wake! Fifteen followed suit, charging the Namekian with her fists at the ready, clashing with a shock wave that pushed back all the dust around them. It was here that Fifteen shined, close combat was what she was built for and it showed since her skill was far beyond Vera's even if her power level was still apparently a little lower than Glass's sons! Even her her strength alone was frightening but when combined with her skill and the extra limb of her tail she was a straight match for Glass's own ability in close combat! Pushed back down to the floor from the attacks Fifteen's feet dug into the ground before suddenly she seemed to vanish! Though unlike everyone else who did it this was not instant transmission, it was sheer straight line speed! Coming to a sudden stop a few feet behind Glass, the earth cracking and breaking apart below her as she came to a sliding stop. The lava fanned out behind her as she charged her gauntlet, the back of it brimming with Ki. Dashing for Glass her eyes full of determination now; the ki on the back of her gauntlet acted like a booster, and the resulting punch would send out a massive straight line shock wave comparable to a ki blast. Meanwhile Fourteen was holding her sister, her gaze turning form the recovering pair to look at Vera. [color=ed145b][b]"You could have defended against that." [/b][/color]With closed eyes the hurt android nodded to that fact, she could have used her shield and prevented damage to the both of them but... [color=a187be][b]"He wouldn't have learned anything... Nearly killing himself, with his brother no less..."[/b][/color] Opening her eyes she took a look at the two Namekians now planning and commencing their attack. [color=ed145b][b]"Wasting most of your energy to revive us and then wanting to fight right away. You really are a Idiot"[/b][/color] Vera gave out a hearty laugh as she reached over to place a hand on the side of fourteen's sword sheath, the tank on the side starting to fill with power, the violet color glowing brightly against the crimson of the sky. Pushing off her surprised sister she caused the ki blasts to avoid them both, though she started to fall to the earth below. [color=a187be][b]"Yeah, seems like I am. Go get em Gwen"[/b][/color] With a look of slight annoyance Gwen turned to Sodius, the sheath of her sword making a 180 with a mechanical 'click' as the end opened up into what looked to be a cannon! [color=ed145b][b]"Gungnir"[/b][/color] With those words the sheath kicked back as it fired a powerful beam without any charge up time. The tank emptying its contents into the attack that homed in on its target, the combination of red and violet energy almost blinding!