[Center]"Misfits is about a group of young offenders sentenced to work in a community service program, where they obtain supernatural powers after a strange electrical storm."[/Center] I really enjoyed this show despite it being told it would not have a sixith season which was about two-three years ago now. I want to have a go at playing some young offenders who have to do lame tasks such as painting benches, washing off graffiti and even dealing with whatever is happening within the community centre itself. On top of that they always seem to find themselves in strange situations which they use their powers to deal with. The powers are no the standard super strength or speed, it is more like invisibility, being immortal or turning back time in certain situations. Characters come and go for various reasons which I won't go into for spoiler sake. I am looking for someone who can double as I will be playing tripling, someone who does not mind having a character change at points, not often but may happen if you choose to. Since the Misfits is 18+ you will need to be that age or above. I am looking for someone who can write a paragraph or more and finally will want to play OC characters.