"... And anyway Karram, so Augusts said to me, 'Think of the children Parry! Think of all the poor little supernatural children you see every day, and how they'll be left to the whims of an Egyptian High Priest who fancies himself a god just because he could walk in and kill my uncle.' So hearing that, I couldn't help but say 'You know what Augustus? I have just the thing for you.' So I went upstairs and brought down this old thing I picked up in Alexandria a while back. Not much, but it was a legit Egyptian Charm to the goddess Isis, and I handed it over and said 'This should keep you safe against old Egyptian magic.' And Augustus said 'Thank you Parry! Thank you! You're so generous and so much better dressed than I am. Why, I look like I just came out of a frat party compared to you. And you've got a baby on your hip.' So I said-" Which was the precise time Flint slammed on the other pedal, putting the car in a rapid stop, while Parry's face landed right into the driver's seat with a quiet and not very good sounding CRUNCH. Parry had to reach into his pocket for an old hankie to press against his nose with one hand while the other took a swipe at the back of Flint's head. "DON'T BRAKE SO FAST," he yelled, his voice distorted as he tried to stop the bleeding from his broken nose. He was vaguely aware of getting out of the back seat of the car and walking behind Flint and Beth, but too absorbed in his own thoughts to really care what was going on or where they were going. Without skipping a beat, he turned back to Karram the Fae. "So anyway, I said to Augustus 'Just be a doll and don't tell anyone you were here. Tony would kill me if he found out you knew we were all put up in my place. And Augustus said 'Cross my heart Parry you stud muffin.' So- oh. Oh, we're here!" 'Here' turned out to be yet another relic from a bygone era. A nuclear fallout bunker at the end of a tunnel beneath a parking garage? Parry didn't really know why all his friends were stuck in the past like they seemed to be. Rikive in the Middle Ages, Tony was perpetually reliving 'Nam, and Flint just couldn't get out of the '30s. The present was so much more fun. Couldn't Tony have set up in a Penthouse Suite instead? Parry hissed as he felt his long hair brush against a spiderweb, sending him running through the bunker's front door whimpering like a child stung by a bee. "You get this place fumigated regularly, right Tony?" He asked, pulling the bloody cloth from his face. "I mean, no bugs or anything? I had the center cleaned out once a month as a rule. If it has more than six legs it isn't fit to walk this plane." Parry stumbled into the bathroom, still chattering away as he tried to find a light switch to check his face. "I'm covered on clothes for the next day. Just point me to the nearest dry-cleaner if you can. We need to figure out a plan to go on the offensive, find some information about what Nemsemet wants with-" The sight of his nose, crooked and weeping blood, brought the shrillest, blood-curdling scream from the bathroom Parry had ever heard himself make. The mirror was broken in a spiderweb pattern, the medical supplies in the cabinet behind it spilled out onto the floor, and the Celestial threw himself out into the kitchen and grabbed Tony by the shoulders shaking him furiously. "FUCK IT! I need a plastic surgeon to fix my nose. NOW!"