[quote=@Zetsuko] does this work? [hider=a thing] Name: Zetaz Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Imp [hider=Imp] Mischievous little flying things that can use some magic. [u]PROS[/u] Magic Wings Speed [u]CONS[/u] Not very strong [/hider] Appearance: [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bloodbrothersgame/images/1/1c/Tom_Tit_Tot_II_Figure.png/revision/latest?cb=20130717172957[/img] Main Weapon: Claws, Magic Personality: Mischievous Other: [/hider] [/quote] why yes it does [quote=@The ghost in black] [@ChadsWorth The Third] Does it have to be an element? [/quote] Yes, but you can focus on a certain form of that element, like making weapons out of the said element