[b][u]Alex - Car Park[/u][/b] He had... argh... pain. The girl had... gone? Alex wasn't sure what had just transpired. The last thing he remembered, he'd been talking to Roland, the next thing, chaos. So many had fallen. He'd never seen death and carnage on a scale like this before/ It had almost been too much for him. He'd blacked out, yet where his conscious had failed him, his instincts had carried him through the danger. He'd come to being yanked inside a car park building of sorts by some foreign soldiers. It had taken him a moment to recognize the JSDF uniform. That only raised more questions than it answered. What the hell where the Japs doing here? The disorientation of the black out had dulled his senses, but he was coming back to reality. Brutal, harsh reality. The soldiers had dragged him to a corner of the car park, away from the action. He had spotted Blondie, but had still been in a daze and unable to call out to her as he was pulled away. It didn't seem like she'd spotted him. An explosion rocked him. A loud, resounding [i]BOOM[/i] echoed throughout the car park, completely shattering Alex's daze. That, was a fucking stupid decision. Not only had they about deafened everyone in a 50 meter radius, they had also probably attracted the attention of walkers from miles around. Also, using a fragmentation explosion device with a kill radius of 20 meters without body armor, was an extremely fucking questionable decision. Yet despite that, it seemed to have worked well in these circumstances. Wether or not it brought the unrelenting hordes of undead upon them, was another story. Hopefully the actual building had muffled the explosion and not lured in any unwanted rotting guests. Now back to reality, Alex saw Blondie and a soldier attempting to save someone. Although he couldn't quite make out who. He couldn't clearly remember what had happened, but he was pretty sure everyone from Blondie's original group was dead. Fuck. Gripping his pistol, he knew he couldn't stand by idly. Grabbing the nearest soldier, Alex pointed to his weapon, then to the horde, portraying his intent to help. Seemingly happy, the soldier let him pass with a grim nod. His breath came hard and ragged as Alex sprinted towards the group, stopping about 5 meters away from them. The smell of carbon and flesh washed over him in a sickening wave. Gritting his teeth, he closed the gap between them. He saw Blondie attempting to help another woman over the car. It seemed between her and the Jap the situation was under control. However the fresh(ish...) wave of undead shambling towards the group, wasn't. His hands shook violently as he raised the glock to his eye, [i]'Breathe... COME ON.'[/i]. Closing his eyes, Alex shut off the world, taking a long, deep breath in, before slowly exhaling. Opening his eyes, Alex chose his target and gently squeezed the trigger. The shot went clear through the head of the first undead and ripped off the jaw of one close behind. The empty case flew out of the glock, making a small [i]tink[/i] as it hit the floor. Without looking out the sights he shouted to Blondie. "Yo! You two get the girl out of here. I'll cover you!" The hordes weren't dangerously close just yet, but the more he could drop, the better the groups chances. Fuck. When would they get respite from the undead?