Name: Admetus Matsael Age: 19 Gender: Male Nationality/ Race: Almoren Appearance[img][/img] Physical Description: A young man slighter taller than average with green eyes and sand colored hair. He has a well-defined body. Wears casual loose clothing and a tooth necklace. Generally carries a dagger with him and a small hatchet with him. Personality: A hard working individual determined to accomplish his goals and help his friends. Admetus has a wolverine's tenacity and is just as hard to shake off. Stubborn is an understatement. He follows a strict code of chivalry that he believe all knights should abide by. History: Admetus grew up on childhood dreams of knights and princess. Unlike most children however he did not so much grow out of this dream so much as into it. In betwix doing working with his father helping gather wood and cut down tress he watched the town militia practice and mimicked them with his own hand crafted wooden sword. Much to the disappointment of his father X showed no interest in continuing the honorable tradition of lumber-jacking and was instead fascinated with the high minded ideals of knighthood. Admetus has enough knowledge to survive on his skills but desperately wants to join the military and became a famous knight. Skills: Average level sword fighting, is more skilled with an axe but doesn't like to admit it. Is an excellent juggler as well as a great cook and has many useful survival skills due to his belief that a knight should be self sufficient. Strengths and Weakness: +Tenacious +Strong +Fast +Honest -Doesn't think things through to much -Can be reckless -Conceded at times -Naive Other: