Flint could not possibly be more obvious with his driving preferences. There was really no need to display the gun as a means to ward people off. A quick "no one in the front seat" would have sufficed, with his pleases and thank yous added where appropriate. Rolling her eyes, Beth slid through the door and, becoming tangible once again, took a seat in the back. "Did you forget how to ask a simple question, Flint?" she said, revelling in the opportunity to annoy him. "I know you find it hard to use those [i]magnificent[/i] cop skills of yours, but really, have you tried communicating?" Another explosion ripped through the top floor of the daycare center and the car seats vibrated. Beth leaned across the back seat and stuck her head out the window. She watched as the rest of the supernaturals fled the building, Parry as the last of them. She shifted back into her seat. Everything began to speed up; the stranger followed her into the vehicle, the Asgardian stole a car, Parry dove into the stranger's lap, and Tony issued their driver with directions, then they were off. Having gone unnoticed for the moment, she allowed herself to become partially intangible to provide the stranger with enough room to accommodate the three of them. Her shoulder, arm and leg vanished into the side of the car, and for the journey she remained silent. Studying the route kept her mind of the events of the day for as long as the journey took them. Parry's voice occasionally broke through, but she welcomed it. The drive was fast and short, and when they arrived at Tony's whatever-it-was, Beth used the impact of the stop to sift through the door of Flint's car and all but glide the rest of the way to the bunker. She inspected the room they first entered, putting various limps in the walls, door and through the furniture. Tony's statement proved true: there were no wards here, and certainly nothing to stop her slipping in and out. Though the walls were reinforced and thick, and she had no idea how long it would take or how much it would sting to pass through one. Should they need to lock the door, however, she could be used as a look out. Still, she hoped they would never need to stay in the bunker for long. From the bathroom she heard Parael rambling on about fighting back as if they stood a chance, and Beth, as much as she loved him, began to tune him out. But a shrill cry from the bathroom made her spin around with her fists up. In a blink Parry flew out of the bathroom and landed himself on Tony, and Beth couldn't quite distinguish the words from his screaming. "Relax, Parry. Even with a broken nose, you're leagues more beautiful than everyone else," she said, trying to hide her smirk. She switched to tangibility and plopped herself down in the nearest chair while Rikive handled Parael's nose. Beth hadn't the foggiest idea how to even begin searching for Nemsemet's weakness, so she kept quiet. Instead she listened.