[@Mysaren] Well, see. Let's turn it around a bit: What about roleplays? Isn't it idea stealing to make a pokemon roleplay? Skyrim/elder scrolls? Fallout? Warhammer? I see them all the time and no one bats an eye. But when someone uses a picture from the internet everyone loses their minds. Wouldn't that be the same thing? Heck, in making roleplays based around the universe your stealing the ideas of several dozen people who contributed to the building of that world, right? Should they be reported too? And, again, what if the artist never responds? Or doesn't respond for months? [@Dinh AaronMk] I can see where your coming from in calling it lazy. However, I must raise the argument of when an image is used as a supplement to a description, rather than the description as a whole. I must also raise the argument that not everyone is an artist, and drawing maps is rather hard. It also comes down to, frankly, quality. Would you rather have your character defined by some choppy lineart or something like [url=http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r84/Vashthered/Skullpowerarmor.jpg]This?[/url] (Artwork (C) [url=http://lordhannu.deviantart.com/art/Black-templar-chaplain-133141315]LordHannu[/url]) There's also the issue of theft within the art community itself and gradual source loss. When an image is reposted ten thousand times and everyone claims it's theirs or fails to source it, who do you trust?