Teiji watched the one girl apparently called Mio walk and run out which made Teiji blink confusingly as Katia started searching. [color=0072bc]"I'm a good runner. I could probably catch her you know...."[/color] Teiji said but with the foot steps vanishing it would probably be stupid to look for her now. Looking through the cabinets he saw his personal record which made him frown. [color=0072bc]"Is hostile to other people? Causes unnecessary violence? Bullies others?? I hate this place."[/color] Teiji said throwing his file on the ground then picked up Katia's. [color=0072bc]"I could learn all your dark secrets in one move..... But I'm nice so."[/color] Teiji said dropping it as well, and then pulled all the metal cabinets out so when he rammed those things over the drawers didn't fling out and trip them. Sure enough there were knives, but these were more for oh shit I need to sue something quick, type of situation. So he grabbed the two and slid them into his pocket. Which was when she mentioned firecrackers. This made Teiji pick her up again and sit her down on the couch. [color=0072bc]"Let's not use loud sounding objects..... Oh my god I have a idea!"[/color] Teiji stated as he walked over to the wooden table. He looked at the long wooden legs and nodded. Gripping the table he arced his right foot back and then kicked the wooden leg right off the table and proceeded to do the same to another side. Dropping the table he picked up the two legs and walked over to the couch where he sat down and pulled out the knives. Looking at her he handed her one of the table legs, while he gripped the one leg he had. That was when he began carving the end of the table leg to give it a point end. So instead of ramming things with a cabinet, he could ram them with a make shift wooden spear. He smiled to himself feeling pretty proud of what he did. [color=0072bc]"Now it's your turn."[/color] Teiji said as he scooted closer. [color=0072bc]"Now make sure you give it good powerful strokes. Just not too powerful, you don't want to break the tip now. So just like this."[/color] He said holding her hand with the knife and helped her do a few strokes. He then smiled and gave her a thumbs up as he stood and walked over to Anselma, who came in earlier, but was ignored by Teiji for a few second since he had to do his plan. He then handed her a knife as he picked the table back up and kicked another leg off before handing it to her, and making her sit down. He agve another thumbs up and went over to the door and listened for anymore sounds. He then looked over at Katia and shook his head. [color=0072bc]"No no, you are doing it wrong."[/color] Teiji said as he walked over and sat down next to her. [color=0072bc]"Come on now, I'll give you my personal tip, since you are a beginner I'll go easy. First you start a quarter of the way down, so just a little below the tip. And you slowly bring it up and then right back down and up and down. Of course with how things are, slow just won't cut it. So what are you waiting for? Faster! Fatser! Be a little more rough, come on now! Move your arms not just your hands!! Come on Katia you got to go even faster! You say those hands of yours are good so you better show me! I want to see you sweat! Come onnnn you are almost there!!! Yessss! Yesssss! Yessss!!!"[/color]