[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/7wSPKwV.png[/img] [@SaekoGami][/center] Everyone had quickly begun fleeing the area, and as the sounds of screaming echoed throughout Delilah's brain, she quickly shot up from her seat and began glancing about in a panicked frenzy. "What the hell is happening?" She hissed, her eyes finally resting on Beatrix, the girl whom she let tag along. Obviously, it was morally wrong to just leave her there, so she grabbed her wrist, yanked the girl out of her seat, and began running out of the large room. There was something there... Something inhuman, that caught her eye. Sure, it had been a student once, but the more she had gotten a good look at what was approaching her, the more she had realized how alienated it was, and how soulless its eyes were. She let go of Beatrix's wrist and quickly grabbed a hold of a folding chair. Violently, the young woman swung it, slamming the thick metal furniture against the head of the shambling being. She let out a small grunt as she could feel the force of the skull press agains the cold metal, and shivered as she had realized that it was dead once and for all. "Let's go, little lady!" It was no time to dwell in her thoughts. She snatched the girl's wrist again and left the cluttered room once and for all. Delilah had lead her back inside the school where they would at least be able to stock up on items before heading back out once more to leave. A plan would be in order, why not do it in an empty classroom? Ironically, the two had found themselves in the maintenance club room, which was filled with a few items of worth. "Sorry for dragging you around." She muttered as she let go of Beatrix to sift through various drawers and desks. "Damn, not enough for the both of us. I'll use some items from my locker."