Emily listened to both sides, and nodded. They where understandably upset that someone got killed, but she also heard that was accidental, since humans where admitably squishy and the giant red guy over-egged his hit. The theft of people was also a decent point. "Ok. Both valid points" Emily stated, pacing the wall. "I, think we can work things out. The murder was purely accidental and so can not be judged so harshly, as well as the obvious point that he needs people and can't exactly hire anyone as he'll probably get chased out of town before he said anything" Emily finished, before brushing a hand though her hair. "I believe, that under the circumstances Naoto is not in the wrong. However, I also do not desire to leave the villagers dry and lost from this. So, in compensation I shall provide spiritual support to the village to aid in all their activities and enhance the members physical abilities" She finished, letting the wall drop down and smiling. "I feel this is much better than trying to cut each other to ribbons. Pointless murder is such a waste"