Aura sighed at Kazuto's tone, it was rather clear he meant business to all involved. He'd have to see reason, and Aura would likely have to make him. "[color=004b80]Kazu-kun[/color]." She began "[color=004b80]Listen, my apartment is near the edge of the city and we only need to get a few things from it. It'd take five, maybe ten, minutes to loot my house. In exchange for that time, your sisters will be protected by an automatic weapon and have guaranteed supplies. Based on your phone conversation, they are somewhere safe, and its much better for them if they have a stronger safeguard force.[/color]" Aura, herself, knew she was right, visiting her home and then moving on to Kazuto's house was the most logical option for both their safety and for the safety of Kazuto's sisters. However, she also knew that Kazuto was a very firm resolute man, and that she'd have to play to his weaknesses. As much as she hated it, she began to allow herself to tear up, thinking of every sad thing she could. She imagined her parents dying, her friends dying, and the worst part of it all, was that it may all be true. What she intended to be fake tears quickly became real as she again hugged him, crying "[color=004b80]D-don't l-leave me, K-Kazuto. I-I'm s-s-so s-scared. M-my mom and m-my dad may be dead, y-you m-m-might be m-my l-last friend left. P-please don't g-go.[/color]" At this point, Aura had worked herself up too much, and couldn't stop if she wanted to. The rational part of her mind would be overjoyed at this, as it made victory more likely, but most of her was too captured by fear and sadness.