Miki looked everywhere finally stopping to look at the Lock Box on the wall. In the plain gray heavy steel box were the keys to nearly everything that was attached to the school and most likely the loader's extra key. Resting her ditch blade against a nearby wall Miki grabbed a six pound sledge hammer a work helmet with plexi face guard to protect her eyes. She put on the helmet with a slight adjustment, dropped the shield then put on her work gloves before she lifted her hammer an began swinging. The first strike against the steel box didn't do much damage because Miki was having to override her belief that she was gonna get in trouble for breaking an stealing school property. Her next strike was stronger an more damaging to her target and it sent a delightful feeling through her that brought a smile to her lips. Miki started giving each swing every bit of energy she could muster from her 82 pound 5 foot tall frame each blow adding more and more damage to the wall box the eighth or ninth blow knocking it off and on the floor. The end of the key box came quickly after that it's door crushing in and then falling off it's hinges. Miki dove on the mangled steel box grabbing all the keys an stuffing them into her purse keeping them for potential use. They only key ring she keeps out is the little loader's keys and hurry's over to the door closest to where the loader is parked after she picked up the ditch blade. Miki looked through the little door window for the horrors an saw it looked clear so she slipped outside letting it lock behind her. She had about 150 feet to go, two Green houses to pass then a locked chain link fence to get through before she could feel the safety of the loader's work cage. "Well walking's the more cautious but running gets this over with quick" she says with smile just before taking off at a dead run the ditch blade held in both hands close to her hips so she could brace it. As she runs Miki looks back over her shoulder an sees about 9 of the horrors stumbling after her. Turning back forward Miki sees a single horror that used to be a girl from her english class trying to block her escape. Miki brings the blade up and swings it in an arc towards the horror's head an neck. It cuts off part of the horror's left hand then severs halfway through her neck but knocks her down. Miki jerks the J shaped blade from the horror's neck and heads towards her goal. Making it to the fence Miki barely got it opened and closed before the horrors were on her forcing her to lock the gate to keep them out. She pauses to look at the ugly little machine a smile forming on her lips. After finding a place to secure the ditch blade Miki felt a shiver pass through her as she once more openly broke the rules and unlocked the door an climbed in. She turned on the work lights the interior fan and she thinks heater before she finds the switch to start the little machine. Run off natural gas the little loaded doesn't smoke when Miki revs the engine an nothing happens. Blushing she remembers the two joysticks in her hands and pushes them forward. Not having ever driven it Miki gives it too much gas making it rear up then smack the bottom of the bucket on the gravel. Like some mad bull the little machine smashes down the gates trapping about 6 horrors under it fully and another 5 half under an out. Giggling at what should be morbid work Miki drives out as she brings up the bucket to where she can still see ahead and it doesn't bump the ground. "Now where to next?" She asked herself as she spun in a circle knocking down 3 horrors an running them over and towards the school.