[i][b][color=#04B45F]Kaito[/color][/b][/i] During the whole phone ordeal, Kaito had been trying to wake up the shocked Harvey, [i][color=#04B45F]"Boner-san, wake uppp."[/color][/i] he said while slapping him continuously. [i][b][color=#04B45F]"LOOK OUT IT'S A GRENADE."[/color][/b][/i] he said again in an attempt to wake up his friend that he knows has suffered through war. [i][color=#04B45F]"Alright not that's a bit messed up now, I'll admit."[/color][/i] shrugging he went to listen on in their conversation and left Harvey on the chair. [b][color=004b80]"D-don't l-leave me, K-Kazuto. I-I'm s-s-so s-scared. M-my mom and m-my dad may be dead, y-you m-m-might be m-my l-last friend left. P-please don't g-go."[/color][/b] uttered the girl who said she was Aura. Kaito was about to make a joke about how couples shouldn't fight but the atmosphere wasn't [i]quite[/i] right. He pondered over the dilemma for a bit and then said. [i][color=#04B45F]"Well, you know, I could go with Aura-senpai if she needs the protection.[/color][/i] he said while scratching his head. He leans close to Kazuto and whispers with a wide smirk, [i][color=#04B45F]"Don't worry, I know you called dibs, I won't do anything that uproots flags hehe."[/color][/i]