[i][b][color=FF00FF]Katia[/color][/b][/i] Hearing Teiji’s say he could go after her, Katia quickly shock her head seeing no point in him risking his life to try and catch Mio. [color=FF00FF] “Don’t bother she can take care of herself. It just be senseless risk.”[/color]Katia stated, having stopped caring if Mio would be okay, all she cared about was herself and Teiji, given she’d need him to get out of the school. As Teiji looked though the cabinet Katia checked out the small kitchen the staffroom but found nothing other than a lot of half eaten food and empty bottle of rum. Hearing Teiji speak as he read his own folder Katia shook her head finding what it apparently stated a little hard to believe. She had never seen him bully anyone and if he got a little violent at times… who cares sometimes it was needed. Although when it came to fighting regrade she was not much better having already been told of for fighting several times. Not that any of that mattered now. Hearing Teiji mention her folder Katia looked at him for a moment before shrugging in an almost mechanical way. [color=FF00FF]“ Go ahead these not a lot in my school back home left out all the good bits to make me look like a better student.”[/color]she stated moving to another part of the room in the ongoing effort to find something of use. But other than knives the rest of what she could find was useless junk that wouldn’t serve to help the current situation. When picked up Katia felt herself clam up a little not expecting such also caused a very slight blush from her given who was picking her up. Placed on the couch Katia was not sure say about not using them feeling point out they could potentially be used a distraction could be wasted breath. The other issue was she couldn’t find them anyway so it was pointless. It was then as she was watching Teiji break legs of the table did Anselma come into the room, Katia feeling happy to see a friend of hers was alive and seemed to be in one piece. [color=FF00FF]I’m happy to see you Anselma lock the do…”[/color]she stated to say but was cut off by falling past the window, making Katia feeling quite worried about how bad the situation was growing. But she quickly forgot about that when Teiji sat down next to her and made a crude wooden spear. It was then apparently her turn and much to her surprise Teiji got even closer and showered her how to make a crude spear. It was hard to pay attention while Teiji was touching her hand but Katia had always been good with her hands was able to work out how to make the spear quickly. With her new weapon in hand Katia got to her feet made a few practise stabs with the spear having always fought with her fist holding a weapon felt weird. Content that her weapon would work, Katia looked at Anselma to see Teiji had made her sit down and given her own leg and knife to make a spear with. Leaving Anselma to do whatever, Katia went to Teiji, trying her best to bloat out the feelings of his hand touching hers. Given Teiji was by the door Katia didn’t want to make too much noise given they had no idea how many of them were out in the hall she leaned in close to his ear. [color=FF00FF] “We need to get out of the school; otherwise we’ll surely get trapped and eaten by those things. So… hear anything?”[/color] Katia whispered hesitating on the last part as she was unsure she wanted to know the answer to her question.