[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/7wSPKwV.png[/img] [@SaekoGami][/center] "1... 2... 3!" She swiped a broomstick, flung the door of the maintenance room open, and began her pursuit to the location of her locker, which was located in the hallway opposite to theirs. Immediately, she was faced with a corpse whom had managed to linger about in the school. She used the hilt of the broom to jab it aggressively into the abdomen of the creature, pushing it back so that she had breathing room to plot out her next attack. As the zombie. Creature. Thing, was shoved against the window of the hallway, Delilah could see something falling... Spiraling down from what it appeared to be the rooftop. Students were killing themselves? They had already given up? "Gah!" The thought caught her off guard, allowing the corpse to push her back and clench her shoulders. Again, she pushed it back, and this time sealed its fate with a fatal blow to the temple of its forehead. "God damn." Delilah rolled her shoulders and turned her head to spare Beatrix a glance. "We're close as fuck right now, I can feel it in the bottom of my loins!" She turned a corner and continued on. If they wanted to survive they had to be quick. "I'll be around the corner, I'll be quick I promise." The blonde skidded down the hallway, maneuvering herself through the school so she could make it to her locker. Hopefully, Beatrix would get her back as she unlocked the damned thing to retrieve her babies.