[@Raining] As they exited the room, a zombie was right outside. Delilah hit it away but then it grabbed her as she seemed distracted. Beatrix about to run forward but luckily Delilah slammed the broom into the zombies head and killed it. Beatrix stood there and stared at it for a moment before running after Delilah. Again Beatrix was zoning out, all she heard was something about loins, which snapped her back. Delilah then wanted to head to her locker, and there were only two ways to get into the hall, the locked door around the corner and the way they just came. As Delilah ran to her locker Trix stood at the corner, watching Delilah fumble around with her lock, then darting around as she heard some groaning. A few ex-students had made their way down the hall, They went straight for her. Beatrix tried her best to not think about how they used to be human, how they used to sit in classed....how they used to be kids. She tried thinking about the video games again, how nothing was real.....she kept this in mind as she started swinging, aiming for the head. The pipe collided with one, the sickening crack of their skull echoing out. But after hitting one of them the pipe snapped, Trix now having half the distance she did before, she stumbled back before running forward and trying to stab one half of the pipe through the zombies head. It worked as the zombie hit the ground but still twitched. Trix stumbled back again then ran towards Delilah "[b][color=ed1c24]Y-You d-done yet! m-more are coming![/color][/b]"