Looking over the interest threads, it seems like a lot of people have gone away for a little while for personal reasons. And I am no exception. As such, fair warning, I'm currently getting over some nasty writers block, so I'd rather have someone who can be very patient with me as a partner. But I'm hoping that a new story or two may spark some life back into my creativity. So...Hello! Thank you so much for checking out my little corner here,, I really appreciate it! You can call me Autumn, it's one of my favorite nicknames. Let me get some stuff out of the way before I move onto interests and plots, shall I? - I can be a little slower of a person to play with, I'll be honest. There are times where I will be excited about the story and can get several posts in one day, but please don't expect to get a post every day all the time. Sorry. And I go through periods of reoccurring depression and writers block on top of that. I try to keep in touch despite this and try to give out warnings when I start to lose motivation and inspiration... - I [b]DO NOT[/b] roleplay sex, sexual content (e.g.: groping, heavy petting, characters talking or thinking about sexual things, etcetera) or same gender romantic relationships. Period. Please don't ask. - [b]Threads only please.[/b] Things are easier to keep track of that way personally. - Good grammar and punctuation please! I can understand a few mistakes here and there, Of course, but please try to catch as many as you can. I'll do the same. - Please talk to me outside of the role-play. I really prefer and enjoy getting to know my partners outside of the story. Things really will get along better and the story will progress farther if outside chat happens. - At least two or one really solid paragraph per post please. The more you give, the more you get. - I would really appreciate the absence of swearing. - I can play either gender! So if you prefer one, I can play the other if you would like romance to form. But nothing says that there has to be romance in a story for it to be good. And if you haven't been scared off and decided to hit that back button, please continue reading. Hopefully something will tickle your fancy. :3 [Center]|[U]GENRES[/U]|[/Center] Fantasy Modern Medieval Mystery Supernatural Action Slice of life Urban Fantasy Soft Science Fiction [Center] |[U]possible Pairings[/U]| -These are not the only pairings I will do![/Center] Werewolf x Human Werewolf x Werewolf Werewolf x vampire Vampire x Human Werewolf x Animal shifter Animal shifter x Human Animal shifter x Animal shifter Tall guy x Short girl Spouse x Spouse with amnesia Dragon x Human Popular x Shy/Nerd [Center] |[U]FANDOMS[/U]| (Canon or Original)[/Center] My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (Currently craving) Pokémon (Currently craving) Animal Crossing The Legend of Zelda Final Fantasy Fruits Basket Harvest Moon Warrior Cats Harry Potter (Books only) Mercy Thompson Twilight (books only) The enchanted Forest series Mistborn [Center] |[U]PLOTS[/U]|[/Center] [U]ORIGINAL[/U] [Hider=Blood in the Moonlight] late one night, an assassin sneaks into the palace grounds and into the private gardens of the Queen. She is murdered and evidence is left behind that frames the Captain of her personal Royal guard. The captain is apprehended soon after the body is discovered, though they adamantly claim to have no involvement. Awaiting death, locked away in a prison cell, The captain is faced with the need to come to terms that no one will believe their innocence and they will be executed. But before the execution can take place, a mysterious figure appears, claiming to have knowledge of the captain's innocence and that they hold the skills necessary to perform a prison break. Should the captain trust this person? And if they do, will they join together to uncover the actual murderer? What other plots will be uncovered if the two should go down such a road...[/hider] [Hider=The Mystery of The Black Hare] Set in the generic Irish or Scottish countryside of early 19th Century, a young lord has just inherited his Uncle's country manor after his death. To celebrate his new found wealth and position, he decides to host a grand hunt. Amid The enjoyment of the several day event, he learns of an old story of a mysterious creature that appears in the woods surrounding his property. The mysterious black hare that the locals seem to hold in both fear and awe sparks The desire to hunt down such a famed animal and an exciting new hunt begins. Only when he gets separated from the rest of the party and loses his way in the woods, a young woman living in an ancient cottage is the one to come to his aid. A young woman he takes a fancy to, despite the fine ladies his mother continues to press upon him. Later, he hears from his guests how they almost caught the hare, one dog had her by the leg even! And then the young man recalls how the Woman in the woods walked with a limp, her leg freshly bandaged...[/hider] [hider=Flight from death] The Lord or lady of a relatively small, but impactful, country discovers a plot for their own assassination and resolves to flee with their personal guard in order to seek out assistance with the problem. But along the way, they begin to discover that there was not only one plan for their assassination, but several... But why?[/hider] [Hider=The sickness] Rumors and stories have begun to spread of a deadly disease of unknown origin. No one and no thing seems to be immune. Humans, animals, even the plants are getting sick and dying. The illness has worked its devastation deep in the south, but it's starting to travel north word. Pretty soon, it will wipe out everything. Unless it can be stopped.[/Hider] [hider=A World of Green] On The day that scientists managed to create a seed that grew from a simple pod to a mature blooming tomato plant in only a matter of two weeks, The world broke into a celebration. Other vegetables, fruit, herbs, and even flowers were quickly manipulated with the successful circumstances and the world looked on hopefully at the possibility of a complete eradication of hunger. But that was before the first of the scientists got sick. A horrible disease that manifested quickly and worked swiftly to shut down each of the man's organs before doctors had even come up with the possibility of a solution. Then the other scientists began to exhibit similar symptoms. It was quickly discovered that the newly genetically enhanced plants had begun to release an odd pollen, depositing seeds that naturally burrowed into any available surface and began growing almost at once. More people started to get sick, an epidemic spreading faster then the treatments could be devised. And soon, almost in the blink of an eye, most of the world's population had been wiped out and the spread of plants changed the ones blue sphere into a planet of green. But not everyone died. A small handful of the world's population exhibited entirely different symptoms. They still got sick, in a way, but instead of worsening and dying off, their bodies were altered, mutated by the pollen that took away the lives of so many others around them. They recovered quickly, we're stronger, faster, more agile. But each person left behind among millions believed themselves to be alone... or are they? - This has A couple of different branching plots that could be explored. Both of our characters have been mutated and discover one another. We can then explore they're getting to know one another and adapting to the new an empty world. A second scenario involves one character that has been mutated and another character that has been sealed away in a cryogenic tube, The first of its kind, and the enhanced character discovers them just as the last of the backup generators power runs out and releases them. Or we could go in an entirely different direction. The possibilities are quite numerous.[/hider] [U]FANDOMS[/U] [hider=My Little Pony: Secret of the Storms] Lately in the land of Equestria, the weather has been acting strangely. Unscheduled storms, unseasonal conditions, and tempests of every size and shape are beginning to form, steadily increasing in frequency and devastation. The Ponies are baffled. No Pegasus can fly anywhere close to the unnatural clouds, can't use their wings to deter any wind, and even unicorn Magic has failed to penetrate invisible barriers, more often than not rebounding on the unsuspecting caster. At a loss for what to do and with the princesses absorbed in trying to help the kingdom's citizens with damages already sustained, A cry for help goes out to the only ponies willing to investigate.[/hider] [hider=My Little Pony: Transformation] Unbeknownst to the ponies of Equestria, one unicorn seeks The downfall of the happy kingdom. After years of plotting, they formulate a spell that will allow them to summon a being with the knowledge of the type of mass destruction they will need to topple the princesses... and end upplucking an unsuspecting being straight out of the human world. But quite to the unicorn's chagrin, the human is transformed in the process, becoming a pony themselves, one of millions. Now they have to travel the land of Equestria in search of their secret weapon, but this gives the human Time to be discovered, time for somepony else to come across them and feel the need to help such a confused pony... -One of us would be playing the transformed human, the other would be playing the pony that discovers them.[/hider] [Center]~~~[/center] Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! Feel free to send me a private message or post here if you are interested in starting a story together. And remember, you can always send me your own ideas, nothing says that we have to do any of mine. I look forward to hearing from you soon!