[img]http://i.imgur.com/EBVXfin.png[/img] Akuma didn't even finch as the projectiles came his way, hardening his tendrils and merging them in front of hi to form a dome-like shield of iron-like toughness. After the barrage had ended, however, Akira found himself blocked out from the battle area by a dome of thick ice. It took very little time to figure out who did that, and it pissed him off quite a lot. He leaped off the building he was on and landed on top of the dome, noting how thick it was. It was solid, he'd give it that, but he doubt it was solid enough for what he was about to do. He selected an are in front of him, and rose two tendrils up above him, the bloody appendages forming into a large sphere, which he soon compressed and placed right next to the top of the dome. He focused intensely, increasing the acidity and putting a great deal of energy into what he was about to do. He took in a deep breath, then jumped up high with the assistance of his other, focusing the entirety of his attack downward as he shouted it's name. [b][color=9e0b0f]"Burning Blood Massacre!"[/color][/b] For a moment, there was nothing, but the the condensed sphere exploded downwards in a barrage of solidified tendrils smashing into the ice dome. The force that came with this attack and the acidity of the blood, allowed it to easily break through the dome, the tendrils exploding through to the other side with a echoing roar. This also caused a chain reaction, causing the a good deal of the ice to crack and fall apart, creating a bunch of falling debris to crash into the field below. Akuma was amongst said debris, using his tendrils to propel himself from one falling piece of ice to another until he landed with a roll not that far away behind Ria. [color=9e0b0f][b]"I hope you saved a piece of that copy-cat asshole for me, Zero, I've got a score to settle with that cannibalistic, clay-tossing creep. If you've taken care of him already, I at least hope you made it painful. You can call me Red Devil, or Red for short, but I have a feeling you don't give a shit."[/b][/color] Akuma, his identify hidden behind his mask and his voice modulator, said as he got up into a standing position, replacing the upper two tendrils on his back with his own blood. He only had one more Burning Bloody Massacre left in him, and he'd make sure the next time was right in the freak's face. [@Feisty-Pants] [@ClocktowerEchos] [@chukklehed]