[h1][color=gray]Elias Winzer[/color][/h1] [hr] "Status report." [color=gray]"The inaugural run was a relative success. The team of volunteers managed to cover a lot of new ground and slightly improve the conditions within Zone 1. They've been informed of the nature of the other two Zones, and I will be doing the same with the rest of the facility's newcomers along the next few days. We keep this up and we'll stop seeing invaders within a week or so."[/color] "[i]If[/i] you can keep them going." [color=gray]"I [i]can[/i] and I [i]will[/i]."[/color] "Are you certain?" [color=gray]"I have to be. Otherwise this whole operation would be a failure."[/color] "Very well then. The Board will continue to support you and manage Kilander's legacy fund. But remember your objective; find a way to stop the invasions altogether, not just hold them at bay." [color=gray]"Yeah, yeah, I understand. That all you need?"[/color] "Drop that tone, Winzer." [color=gray]"Make me."[/color] [indent][i]- connection severed -[/i][/indent] [hr] [center][h1]ACT II: Operation[/h1][/center] [hr] With the inaugural run completed and the first day done and over with, Somniatis' operation has now entered into full swing. The night passes, with all the Zoners contemplating their situation and how they will deal with it in the long run. Many are positive - others, not so much. After another night of REM antics, you awaken on the second day, with the Nexus Projector and sleeping pills both ready to be utilized. Elias continues to watch the Zone grids, ready to alert the facility to any potential bleeders. For now, you are free to do whatever you see fit to do. Explore all three of the Zones, engage the other characters, anything. No more directions, no more obligations. It's all up to you now.