The groups quick movement made below made getting information back to Arachne a little slower. Of course once they did get to their destination the news began to make its way up to her. Sadly even if a spider managed to get into the shelter it would not be able to relay what was going on inside. That said the existence of said shelter was quite a surprise. Whoever had found it to begin with was lucky. It was certainly something that she had never seen magic tested against. Coming out of her room Autumn was dressed in some more casual clothing. Doning the business attire would be a sure fire way to ruin it in the sewers below. Knocking on Gray's door she informed him of their destination. Most likely this would be a first for him as well. The two of them probably wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight if things turned bad, but Gray had some contingencies for that. Given what the group just went through they were likely to be skittish. Arachne would have to bank on her reputation. Despite living mostly above ground nowadays, she still felt more at home in the depths. The sewers and old subway systems were the modern day caves. The many different paths, turns, and exits were crafted for an ambush predator like herself. Fortunately for everyone that was not her intention right now. Ignoring the graffiti on the walls she just followed the directions of her children. It was no wonder so few know of this location. It was much further than most would care to adventure and probably at one point a heavily guarded secret. Keeping to her human form and ability made the venture much slower. But she didn't want to highlight what she had hidden from Gray so long anymore that night than she had to. The sun would be rising soon, not that one could this far underground. It meant that most of the creatures that roamed during the night would begin to congregate out of sight. It often made them easier to follow to their hiding places on the occasions they were not leveling a building. She awaited word as the two began to approach the shelter. Depending on how well kept it was they may have a way to tell they were there. But it was also possible that the door sealed them off from everything.