[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/7wSPKwV.png[/img] [@SaekoGami][/center] "Almost there!" Delilah called out. She put in the last digit and successfully pried the lock off. She dug through her items such as magazines that weren't safe for work, empty candy wrappers, and some stale pieces of gum. Finally, she whipped out her heavy gloves, which were bright red in color and was covered with weights at the knuckles, both weighing more than enough to knock down a brute. Delilah slipped on the gloves and squeezed the palm of her hand, nodding in assurance as she ran forward to aid Beatrix. "Let's test these bad boys out!" Obviously, she was going to do the stupid thing and spar a zombie head on. Whatever. Anime logic. She approached the corpse the Russian had yet to finished and slammed her fist into it's skull. The blonde could feel the bone breaking, and the weights of her knuckles digging deep into the moist tissue of the brain. "Sheiße!" It was a rush, as if she had killed someone! Oh. Right. "You wanted to go to the sports room, right? Lead the way." Delilah wiped the blood on her jacket and shrugged her shoulders, acting surprisingly cool for someone who killed a couple of undead students. She picked up her broomstick and awaited Beatrix's reaction before continuing onwards with their escape.