[b][color=ec008c]Priscilla[/color] actually being useful for once today[/b] Walking outside onto the ruined streets after she was dropped off by that shy girl, Priscilla took a moment to breath in after what she admittedly considers a surprising event. It did leave her a bit miffed. [color=ec008c]"Bloody nora... Well at least SOMETHING happened today"[/color] Looking down the road wrecked by just two espers, one that can manipulate the very Earth in which she stood and one that can chill the very air she breaths. Yeah this world has some fucked up shit. [color=ec008c]"Ah damn and blast... Sorry Edvard, my curiosity takes precedence over caution this time around..."[/color] [color=ec008c]"Right... need to get there fast..."[/color] With a deep breath Priscilla poked awake the powers she had so far only used to charge phone batteries and fiddled with internet reception. Her ability to manipulate and harness the Electroweak force. With information pulled straight from the blabbering of Physicists, She quantum superposed her entire being to a point just outside the makeshift fight ring the espers had made for themselves. She found herself on top of a building overlooking the icecapped box of earth. Off to her side on top of another building she found the giant of a boy and the shy girl who's looking worse for wear. Now what is a doctor to do in a situation like this? Well a normal doctor would call the authorities and what not, but she ain't exactly normal. Instead she yelled at the top of her lungs across to the two... [color=ec008c]"FIRST AID... ADMINISTER IT TO ANYONE WHO NEEDS IT... I GOT THIS SIDE, TAKE THAT SIDE!"[/color] And with that she superposed a first aid box along with an energy drink right next to Kotori and Sasaki before going down to ground level and taking care of the wounded on her side of the makeshift fight ring. [@Feisty-Pants] [@Grey]