[@Raining] Watching as the zombies brains splatted a cross the ground, she cringed a little then watched as Delilah just brushed it off. [i]Video Game......its a Video Game[/i] she kept saying in her head as she looked around. The sports room had one door leading to it from the inside then a garage door leading outside. She started running down the hall to where she remembered it being. "[b][color=ed1c24]We can grab the equipment we need then w-we can get outside and find a car, you know how to drive?[/color][/b]" She spoke as she ran, finding the door in a empty part of the hall, the zombies hadn't gotten there yet. Which mean no one else was here being chased here. It was locked so she raised the pipe and slammed it down on the door knob, it broke off and the door flew open. She pulled Delilah inside and closed it behind them, pushed a metal cage of basketballs in front of the door. Running around the room looking for weapons, she found a large metal bat for softball. Swinging it a little to see how heavy it was, it could easily take of the head of a zombie in a few blows.