Name: "Name's Adrian Corm, Attorney at Law." Age: "Last I checked I was 36" Gender: "I'm a guy, keep yer mitts outta my pants." Race: Dragonborn Appearance: [img][/img] Main Weapon: "My good looks and silver tongue of course! A healthy dose of molten hot magma to the face certainly helps too." (can spew magma) Personality: "First and foremost i'm a professional who's very good at what he does. My client (and their money) come before everything else when i'm hired. That doesn't mean i'm against fun though! As the best lawyer in this realm, I like to kick back and celebrate my victories with drinks, cigars, and women, men, or any other sort of sentient creature of legal age!" (Intelligent, greedy, prideful, hedonistic, and indiscriminately lecherous) Other: Adrian is the self proclaimed best defense attorney in the realm, and comes with the price to match the claim. For all intents and purposes he's right, though it's more so due to the fact that his volcanic rock based diet and super heated guts let him shower any sort of opposition with magma. He's actually well versed about legal matters, but no one really knows if he's really a lawyer, or even if he went to law school for that matter. Those who question this are met with copious amounts of hot liquified rock in their faces. [hider=Dragonborn]In their tongue he is dovahkin, Dragonbo-Ah fuck this. Dragonborn are basically a subspecies of dragon that take on more humanoid traits and sizes. Depending on crossbreeding or ancestry a dragonborn can take on certain elemental or mystical qualities. The level of humanistic traits can vary between individuals, and despite not being seen too often these guys aren't really rare, they're just really really good at hiding. Mostly because questions about whether or not ma or pop porked a dragon can get tiresome after a point. Because they're much smaller than typical dragons, their scales are softer and can be more easily pierced by conventional weapons. Further weaknesses include Draconic greed (mo' money mo' problems) and opposing elements[/hider]