As the battle raged, Gaios slowly moved forward while his father pressed the attack. Each second, he fired more stone disks at Onyx's joints, and though they did little on their own, the sheer volume of attack was slowly chipping at their opponent's defenses. Demoko had pulled a risky tactic by grabbing Onyx and electrocuting him, but Link took advantage of the opportunity as he'd been quite recently, calling out to several members of their crew to attack. Following his part of the plan, Sophos closed his eyes and saw the metaphorical threads that comprised the world around them. Tapping into the latent power in the universe, he warped the space around Onyx's head as Link's arrow hit true, causing a large crack to appear in their enemy's helmet. It wasn't enough to defeat him outright, but it was a weak point they could exploit. As Link's bolt cracked Onyx's helmet, Gaios decided to focus his attacks on that structural weakness. Instead of a steady flow of seemingly randomly targeted stone disks, however, Gaios focused and drew forth several spears made of earth, dropping them at his side. Grabbing a few in his off-hand, the armored man took one and aimed at the hulking monster that was the enemy. Throwing with all his might, Gaios subtly manipulated the stone missile to Onyx's helmet, where it shattered an inch from impact, Onyx having maintained enough concentration to prevent such a haphazard attack. Cursing, Gaios tried to think of another plan, then sighed and shrugged. It would have to do. Forcing all of the other spears into one, he used as much power as he safely could guiding the projectile at General Onyx, forcing him into a stalemate situation. Even if his opponent was more powerful by several orders of magnitude, between everybody else involved in the battle, Gaios could at least keep him occupied while the others continued their battle plans.