Aura nodded, realizing that indeed the other boy never did start talking. It seemed he had fallen into shell-shock, likely because of the sudden zombie apocalypse. In all honesty, she could really understand it, indeed it was only her uncle's training that kept her going at the moment. However, she also knew that she wasn't the queen of strength, so that would slow her down even more. Though, she really had no choice in order to facilitate the survival of the group, so she'd do what she had to do. She nodded to him, slowly pulling herself together from the emotional breakdown she had just accidentally caused. She needed to be strong for the group right now as the tactician, so she'd have to keep herself pulled together for the sake of the group, and for her own sake. She sighed slightly and nodded then, saying to the other boy "[color=004b80]Yeah, I can carry him, but I'll be pretty slow. I'm very physically fit for an intellectual, but I'm still not as fit as either of you most likely.[/color]" Looking down, she noted that she had received a text from Alex. He warned her that they would be heading towards the student parking lot and to avoid her. Knowing him, he'd done something stupid to draw all the attention of the zombies there. She sighed at this, as she didn't want Alex to get hurt as one of her treasured friends. She shot a text back reading "[color=004b80][i][b]Be careful, meet me at my house k?[/b][/i][/color]" To this she attached her address and nodded, mumbling "[color=004b80]Let's do it then.[/color]"