[Center] Name: [Color=aqua]"Sammy the Snowman!"[/color] Age: [Color=aqua]"I'm....23....and I'm a Snowman!!!"[/color] Gender: [Color=aqua]"SNOWMAN!!!"[/color] Race: [Color=aqua]"I'm a Spellman...no wait Snowborn....I can't remember. [/color] Spellborn Appearance: [Img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/121/f/4/snowman__jack_by_less39-d63ph33.jpg[/img] [Color=aqua]"Meet my familiar, Joey the Snowman!"[/color] Main Weapon: [Color=aqua] "I can manipulate snow!!!!! Trimble in fear of the almighty powerful snowball of snowiness!"[/color] Personality: Sammy is very childish and doesn't know what serious is if he was about to die and was told to act serious about the situation. He's overly excited about almost everything. Often acts as a little brother to every communicative being he meets. When he gets really close to someone he refers to them as senpai or onii Chan. Other: [Color=aqua]"Nothing can defeat the almighty Sammy!!"[/color] Except cute things, baby version of animals, smoores, building snowmen, being ignored, treated like a sick puppy, abused, miss treated all together, fire and scary pointy thingies(swords). [/center]