[i][h2][color=white]Harvey Estabraq[/color][/h2][/i] [hider=Grenade Flashback] "Harvey..." "Harvey?" "Harvey, please! Let's get moving, they'll be here any moment - get up!" his father roughly lifted him up over his shoulder to be taken down 4 blocks. In the midst of the jog, they'd been spotted. "Allahu Akhbar shithead! Put your weapons and child down, or we are going to have to do that for you!" One of the rebels yelled, unaware of the object Harvey's father held behind his back. As Harvey hung upside down, he knew what those words meant: die in the name of God, or do what he has to in order for them to make it out alive even if it meant death and collateral damage. Within a second, he grabbed the red can from his father's hand, pulled the safety pin and proceeded to launch it high up into the air-- [/hider] [i][i][b]"LOOK OUT IT'S A GRENADE!"[/b][/i][/i] The abrupt statement caused his brain to shift into defensive gears as the brunette jolted from his mental transcension. The boy refocused his vision only to see an unfamiliar girl in front of him, along with a couple of grey, bloodied bodies shambling towards the group. Confused, he searched his blurry memory as he vaguely considered the fact that Kaito had put in the effort to bring him out of the auditorium as a crescendo of screams erupted from whatever he simply could not recall... he also remembered the kendo fanatic addressing the girl as "Aura". Harvey paid close attention to the other mangled students who were trying to make an effort to walk towards them, moaning in the process. They were obviously not in the right mind, Harvey concluded as he watched the string of saliva drip down one's jawline. Instantly, everything clicked into place. [i]Keep it together, Harvey.[/i] [color=lightblue][i][b]"Let go of me, Kaito."[/b][/i][/color] Harvey wriggled out of the bruised boy's grasp as soon as he and the girl were done talking. He straightened himself, patting down his paint-encrusted apron. Rethinking his decision, he untied the strings from the back and folded the apron down into a small square, stuffing it into his pocket for later use. [color=lightblue][i][b]"Sorry for the trouble everyone, but I think I'm done now... It's nice to meet you, Aura. I'm Harvey."[/b][/i][/color] The boy scanned their surroundings once more, until he noticed a familiar resource. Hurriedly, he spun around and met face-to-face with a tall door. The supply closet. This was where the Art students had conveniently kept all their supplies. Lifting a leg and placing it near the latch, the artist leaned hard into the kick until the lock gave out and fell onto the floor with a thud. This alerted the walking monstrosities, giving Harvey more reasons to hurry the fuck up. The boy grabbed duct tape and quickly wrapped Kaito's seemingly bruised arm with it, avoiding the elbow area to allow joint movement. [color=lightblue][i][b]"Stiff arm movements will be fine for a katana user, right?"[/b][/i][/color] he chuckled lightly. The duct tape would take a [i]LOT[/i] of effort for humans to do any significant damage, providing a little armor for the time being. Turning back to the supply closet, he scanned the small space for anything that could be used as a makeshift weapon. A metal glint in the light gave him an idea, as he grabbed two long, metal board rulers with a considerably sharp edge to them, passing one over to Aura. [color=lightblue][i][b]"There are whetstones in the back, use it when the ruler gets too blunt to cut through. I'll go with Kaito to grab his katana real quick, you stay here with... uhm-"[/b][/i][/color] he looked behind her to see a vibrant, orange-haired boy who seemed to be half dazed... and half-naked. [color=lightblue][i][b]"...him?"[/b][/i][/color] Harvey smiled. [color=lightblue][i][b]"Take care of yourself please! Oh and, here's the rest of the duct tape!"[/b][/i][/color] Harvey yelled as he tossed the roll to Aura. [color=lightblue][i][b]"Let's make this quick?"[/b][/i][/color] he passed the metal ruler to Kaito. Time was one valuable resource they could not afford to waste.