[@NuttsnBolts] I never claim ownership of any images or artwork that I find on the internet. Period. Unless I 100% drew it myself, I never claim it. And since I cant draw (Want to, but I don't have the money to get the starting tools like a tablet, SAI, photoshop, etc.) I never claim any artwork. I also don't edit pictures. A lot of the time when people have their "Art theft" trigger hit it's when someone crops out watermarks and other signatures and notes left on a picture, or swaps colors around to try and hide things. I never do this. As that is denying the artist the publicity that they would get from someone sharing that image. I also do my best to source the image, but with a website like this one that isn't always the case. If they've got a profile on a more... Raunchy website like FA, I tend to only name them, and not link them as to avoid triggering the adsense. Or, if the image has a clear signature and watermark, I leave it at that since the image is ID'ing itself. But I also agree on the whole "Everyone else does this all the time" thing (I brought up something similar a little bit ago with all the roleplays based from video games like fallout and elder scrolls.) in that, unless the artist is hosting their work on a pay to access/pay to view website, which is clearly grounds to not save this artwork, they are, once again, accepting the fact that their image is going to end up somewhere where they don't want it. Unless they have an account for every photo sharing/art sharing website. Which many do not.