[center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/cap_zpsaa946d17.png[/img][/center] [b]SHIELD Helicarrier San Fransisco, CA[/b] Captain America looked out over the now quiet Triskelion as the Helicarrier hovered above it in a defensive position. No one really thought that there would be another attack at the location, but the Helicarrier was here for a show of strength. The strength was a lie, of course, considering what had happened. But Fury thought it was necessary, so here he was. Cap liked Fury, he was a great soldier and a great commander. But the situation with the Red Skull and the Fourth Reich had clearly worn on him for the past year. He had never had someone out wit him at every turn. He was currently sitting at the head of the briefing room table, looking ragged. There were bags under his eyes...well, eye, and his hair was unkempt. He looked up and noticed she was staring, "Do I really look that bad, Captain?" "You've certainly looked better, sir," she smiled, taking a seat at the table as well. Fury had helped her tremendously since she joined SHIELD. He helped her understand her heritage and what her father was truly like. He knew him, apparently. She wasn't sure how Fury had survived this long and still looked so young, but she didn't have the nerve to ask. According to Agent Hill, Fury never talked about his past. The fact he told Steph about Steve Rogers was rare enough, she wasn't going to push it further. "But we're all in the same boat this time." "No, we're not, Captain," Fury sighed, the weight of the situation carried on his breath. "I'm the commanding officer. I'm the one to blame. That's how this job works. Always has, always will." "Not this time, Director," Steph assured him. "My team failed to locate the Skull. My team failed to stop this just as much as you did. We're both on the hook this time. Except we're going to find the bastard after this." "Damn right we are," Mockingbird said, announcing her presence as she entered the briefing room. "I've got an ass whooping with his name on it." "I think we all have stuff with his name on it," Falcon added grimly. "Where's Hill?" "Agent Hill was running a few more things by the lab before the briefing," Fury responded before typing a few things on the holotable. From the surface sprang a 3-D image of some sort of plane. "In the mean time, let's talk about your team's course of action once we find out what we're looking for. This is an image of the Quinjet Mark II. Bigger, faster, and self sufficient. With the Triskelion down and the Helicarrier needed for other things, you'll need to be on your own. The Mark II has bunks, lavatory equipment, mobile labs, a small armory, ground vehicles, and full access to the SHIELD network. You'll be able to do whatever you need from here. Hopefully being mobile will allow your team a better response time." "I call top bunk," Bobbi quipped. "Any defensive capabilities?" Cap wondered as she inspected the hologram. "A minigun drops from the front," Fury keyed up a command and the plane demonstrated it. "You have flares as well, of course. It has stealth technology. This isn't made for combat, thought. We want the people on the ground doing that." "Understood, sir," she nodded. Then, Maria Hill entered the room and sat down next to Fury, "Well, we've managed to pinpoint where the explosions came from." The image of the Quinjet separated into four sections and transformed into the four locations where the initial bombs went off in the Triskelion. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until someone in each of the pictures spontaneously exploded. It was hard to watch as Hill replayed the footage in slow motion, showing that the people clearly detonated the bombs on their own. "Suicide bombers," Steph sighed. "Exactly," Hill said somberly. Fury furrowed his brow again, "What do we know about the bombers?" "They were all SHIELD agents with years of service under their belt," Hill briefed the team. "They only have one connection. All of them spent time in the Crossbones Division." During her time with SHIELD, Steph had never heard of that before, "Crossbones?" "It was a former deep cover team," Fury explained. "Crossbones members would infiltrate high profile organizations and destroy them from the inside." "So it looks like Crossbones is where we start," Cap stood. "Get ready, everyone. Wheels up in an hour."