Ricki was glad that they decided on the second scene, it was the one she liked more, personally, and she was just as glad that he liked It too. She was writing a few things down in her journal before she nodded. "I think act II scene II is the better of the two." She said, and she mulled over his name choices. "Mikey B. And Missus B, has a certain ring." She smiled to herself, "Well, being a bit of a bully might pose some challenges, but I'm sure my girls could help me channel my inner bitch." She chuckled, and she couldn't help but to like working with someone who didn't look to her to answer everything and do it all. Considering she normally got paired with David. Soon the door came open. "Babe! We're here and we have some-" Krista began just as Ricki was about to say something else to Jared, but Krista stopped. "Oh, hi Jared. Didn't realize anyone else was here?" Krista gave Ricki a look and Maureen sent her a sly smile. "I thought you didn't tutor today." Maureen laughed. "Not tutoring, hot shot, we're working on our English project." Ricki said, and Krista and Maureen just headed up to her bedroom, and Ricki sighed. "Sorry about that, they're crazy. But lunch works, and there are plenty of quiet places to work. Just have to know where and when." She said, "I'm sure by tomorrow I could have most of it written for our needs and we could compare notes? I know you're probably tired, Adam tells me that you guys get worked hard at practice when he gets her for his tutoring sessions." She wrote down a few more things, and she closed her journal, and she walked with him to the door. "See you tomorrow." She said, and once Jared left, Maureen and Krista came down the stairs. "Chinese time!" Krista exclaimed, calling the order.out place and placing their order and Maureen held up a bag. "And when we're done eating I'm going to have some fun with your hair." She smiled. Ricki just nodded and sighed.