I'm still interested but may I make a request and a suggestion? Request: Can you tell us the name and State of the town and just something about what it's like there? Would help a ton in building my CS. Suggestion: Something I do at the start of every tabletop game I run is make my players play "Yes, and" to tie the characters together. I would suggest adding "Yes, and" to the CS and every player tie their character to someone else's CS above theirs. [u][b]Example:[/b][/u] Player 1: I'm a pirate who is hunting for treasure, and I took this ship from the last captain in a mutiny! Player 2: Yes, and I'm your crazy first mate who you rescued at sea! Player 3: Yes, and I'm the lookout on the ship who's been with the captain since he mutinied over the LAST captain and spotted the first mate on his deserted island!