[quote=@Cuddle Pot] [@CLIW] [@Revans Exile] [@Razael] [@La Inquisidora] [@archie] [@Master Crim] [@Anodyne] Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls we are ready to begin! (Those not seen in the interest check their is still time if you act quickly) Rules are simple -Be nice to each other, your characters can hate each other but be polite to your fellow role-player. -No overpowered characters -No Marry Sues (a just cause character, give me a reason) *Note on Mary Sues from Razael* -If your gonna be gone for a while, please warn us in advance -I will be GM so I'll control the NPCs and enemies -Character death is a threat but don't worry I won't just have them die out of the blue -If I am gone I may ask Razael to co-GM if we left off at a tense spot. -Ask questions if confused or need to know more lore. -I'm not a big stickler on post length (Razael preference: No three word posts or one liners) -Most importantly have fun! [/quote] I would like to offer a bit more clarification on the term Mary Sue. Well Cuddle Pot explained one of the factors that make a character a Mary Sue I will give an actual definition so you can avoid the pain of Cutting your character apart out of fear of Mary Sueing your carefully (or not at all) designed character. What is a Mary SUE you may ask? A Mary Sue can be a character that is a shameless self-insert, poorly developed, without flaws and stupidly overpowered character, another more generalized definition is a character who is overly-idealized character who exerts an unjust amount of influence upon their respective setting or story. How do I know if my character is a Mary Sue? If you answer yes to any of these questions then you are one step closer to Mary Sueness and a rightfully deserved purging! 1. Do they feature an entirely contrived "weakness" that doesn't affect them any time it would harm them (such as being clumsy unless they are required to perform a great feat of athleticism) or isn't really a weakness (such as being too kind or righteous "for their own good") which was clearly added solely so the author could point to it when accused of writing a Sue? 2. Is the main problem in the story one that this character can easily fix or solve on their own? (Doesn't count if they're the only character in the story). 3. Is it a character written by Matt Ward, Kim Dal Young, Stephenie Mayer or Ayn Rand? 4. Do they always make good decisions? And Bad ones that are suddenly revealed as good choices? 5. Does their personal morality always perfectly match objective reality? Would there be any difference between describing their opinion and simply narrating what was actually going on in a scene? 6. Do they start the story at the pinnacle of achievment and have no way to grow or improve? 7. Do you never allow other characters to dislike them? Or do you punish those characters for disliking your character by portraying them negatively and/or making something terrible happen to them? 8. Do you use absolutes like "always," "everybody," or "never" when describing their abilities? Infamous/Famous/Mostly Infamous Mary Sues Eragon: medieval rip off of Luke Skywalker copying his story in almost every way and is a whiny, sociopathic Alice Abernathy: the matron mother of sues and in this role players opinion the main reason why the resident evil movies were bad! Drizzt Do'Urden: and the Quadrillion clones he has spawned! Bella Swan and her trusty Marty Stu Edward! I doubt there is need of an explanation on this one besides the fact the two have NO compatible features whatsoever yet it is somehow love at first sight. Kaldor Draigo: Matt Wards Mary Sue and a good example of a "Just because" Sue. Captain Matthias Ward: Self insert Mary Sue by Matt Ward Elminister: At least he doesn't kill all the evil in the world like he could because he would destroy the world in the process (Sorta like Super Man) Jaela Daran: Eberron is a pretty interesting setting in D&D I guess but this swine does not help its case. AVATAR A.K.A Fursona A.K.A James Cameron's crack at creating the most expensive self-insert furry transformation fanfiction! He not only managed to make an entire race of Mary Sues but his character became a Mary Sue of Mary Sues! Right now as we live our lives the Na'vi (Hey Listen! Mary Sues over here!) Alice and [s]James Cameron[/s] [s]John Connor[/s] [s]Jack Dawson[/s] [s]Jake Sullivan[/s] Semaj Noremac are trying to bring our characters into their master race, with an army of Drizzt clones at their [s]command[/s] helping out of their own [s]free will[/s] Just cause of their Mary Sueness! Though the term Mary Sue is a lot like the term "Fun" there are a few ways to tell if you are a Mary Sue and need to be purged in righteous fire or have the almighty ban-hammer dropped on you! Please do not read this and think I am a cruel and evil person and please do not fear me for I am simply a co-GM and have no real power over the ban-hammer, I can only angle it and poise it to drop its almighty weight upon you, it is up to Cuddle Pot to decide when or if it falls. Thank you [@Revans Exile] for helping me fine tune this post and in doing so, have already set me on the path of becoming a better writer and making this Role play more enjoyable for all involved.