[img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/132/8/8/killua_zoldyck_render_by_armagaten-d7i6eh7.png[/img] NAME: Kurogami Senju GENDER: Male AGE: 8 RANK: Academy Student AFFINITY: A/N (Keep that like it is until it is time for your character to learn about it.) NINJUTSU - 0 TAIJUTSU - 0 GENJUTSU - 0 INTELLIGENCE 5 STRENGTH - 3 SPEED 2 STAMINA - 3 HAND SEALS 0 LEARNED JUTSUS: N/A BLOODLINE LIMIT: N/A (like the Affinity, it will be available later on, if believably possible.) MISSIONS COMPLETED: S - 0 A - 0 B - 0 C - 0 D - 0 PRIOR HISTORY: Not much can be said about Kurogami's early life. His family is among the few Senju families that established themselves outside of Konoha, Kuro's sect taking refuge in Suna during it's construction. In his early life, his mother was found murdered by enemy ninja during a mission and his father Daisuke, one of the Jounin Squad leadrs, to raise the boy all alone. The years were rough but Kurogami persevered until he was accepted into the Academy. He would honor his mother and make his father proud. PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH REPORT: Kurogami for the lack of a better word is a natural genius, mentally and physically. His father, a stern individual, kept Kurogami at the peak of what an 8 year old could attain physically, noting his son has the potential as a future High Ranking Jounin and his mind is just as great. The young child though has issues during social interactions as his father has pushed him to train more then meet others and make bonds. At times, he can be shrewd with his words, diving straight to the point which can feel like he does not care for people's feelings. All in all, Kurogami is a fine specimen for the ninja world and the bonds he makes may change the world.