Karnage looked at the students gathered. All three of them. He had no doubts they'll be able to handle themselves, but nonetheless he knew he'd have to make sure they didn't get hurt too badly. Pushing himself off the wall Karnage began to speak. [b]"I am glad that you all could make it. I will be brief: Our mission is to clear out some of these buildings of a demon infestation. Do not fear, the demons themselves are rather weak, however they are quick and outnumber us. Normally I would handle these tasks myself, but there are simply too many for me to kill on my own. To that end, I have requested you all to assist me in exterminating these pests down to the last. After we have cleared out the demons, take these,"[/b] Karnage than began to hand out small boxes. Inside of them were little silver balls that looked similar to bells, but made no noise. [b]"Warding Charms. I created them myself to weaken demons who are within its presence. Against stronger demons like myself it is useless, but for the vermin we are hunting it will make them easy prey. After we have hunted the demons I want you to hide these charms around the building to dissuade more demons from coming later"[/b] Once the boxes where handed out Tyrael gave everyone one more look over. They were just children to Tyrael, but one day they would be adults. And as adult they must be able to take care of themselves and others. He hoped that today would give them a good lesson on how to deal with their enemies and maybe even get them to know one another better. [b]"As I have said, this mission is not without its dangers. If you do not wish to participate, I will not hold it against you. If you are ready, follow me and keep your head down."[/b] Tyrael led the students away from the Gymnasium to one of the older buildings on the campus. While not exactly decrepit, it has been left in disuse due to it's location and because the school had no real use for it. Of course they still need to take care of it, and before they would send workers to renovate the building they needed Karnage to clear out the riffraff. As they approached Karnage put his finger to his mouth as a silent gesture that the others needed to be quiet. For a demon that stood taller than most mortals and at least twice their mass, Karnage was light on his feet. He took them through one of the service doors on the side of the building, creeping along to listen for their prey. Which wasn't hard as they were chattering nonstop, talking about what they would want to eat and where they'd find it. Of course it was all just fantasy for them. Soon enough the group would find a sizable amount of demons, 10 total, in a parlor area. These demons were [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/jadeempire/images/3/3a/CannibalArena.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20091009044858]squat, ugly creatures[/url] that Karnage calls "Cannibals". They eat the flesh of demons and humans alike. Like Karnage told them, they were weak creatures, but fast and worked in groups. But so did Karnage and the students. Using the chatter of the cannibals to hide his own voice Karnage gave the others his battle plan. [b]"Take them by surprise. One of you stay with me to secure this entrance, another two go around to the other entrance. Once in position, count to three, and we attack together."[/b] Karnage switched his shotgun off of safety and readied himself to start shooting.