[hider=Doll Master CS- Maxwell] [b] Name:[/b] Maxwell Smithson [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b][url]http://static.zerochan.net/United.Kingdom.full.1236748.jpg[/url] [b]Personality: [/b]Maxwell is a naturally shy and reserved individual, who prefers the comfort of a good book to a chattering conversation. That's not to say he's anti-social, as he perfectly capable of having lengthy conversations with others, however his introverted personality means it drains him. Reluctant to open up to most people, he has found a rare friend in his doll, whom he cherishes dearly and tends to dote on. He treats his doll almost as if it was his own child, and thinks of it less as a weapon and more of a close friend. Maxwell also has a caring heart, and is prepared to help anyone in need, sometimes even to the detriment of his own well-being. He loves a great deal, however he tends to get overly-attached to women, and often spends many moths following one female. His thinking is not limited solely to that of a perverse nature however, and he has a very active imagination. He can often be found scribbling down fantastical ideas in a notebook somewhere, completely absorbed in his work. This is illustrative of Maxwell's unfocused mind, which often jumps from one task to the next in a haphazard manner. If he finds something that truly interests him he focuses all his attention on it, but mostly his thoughts are chaotic and disorganised. Additionally, Maxwell is a soft spoken and polite man who exercises courtesy around all he meets. He prefers to think before he acts, and if possible likes to avoid direct confrontation owing to his less than stellar physical ability. When confronted Alex often panics, and tries his best to escape the situation. [b]Backstory:[/b] Maxwell was raised in what many would call a broken home. His mother was a drug addict and his father was an alcoholic who cared little for his only child. In the early years of his life Maxwell was subject to abuse from both his father and mother, and he found his escape in school. Here, everyone was equal and it didn't matter where he came from. His teachers treated him with kindness, and he applied himself well in class. At the age of 12, after a particularly viscous fight with his parents, Maxwell ran away from home. It was during this time that he found his Doll; it latched onto him during his moment of grief and provided a friend when he needed it most. For the next few years Maxwell wandered the streets with only his Doll for companionship; he was cold and hungry but not alone. Eventually Maxwell was taken in by a kindly old engineer, who raised him as his own son and taught him his trade. For years Maxwell labored under the gentle gaze of his new father, honing his skills and growing even closer to his Doll. Over time Maxwell forgot about his old life and grew accustomed to the rigors of his new existence. It came as somewhat of a shock when the old man died on Maxwell's 18th birthday, and the wound is still raw even after 2 years. He continues to work in the shop, carrying on trade in memory of the only father he ever knew. [b] Skills:[/b] Maxwell is well-read and has an acute mind. What he lacks in physical strength he makes up for with a mental acuity that many find intimidating. He addresses problems with logic and reason, and can think his way through most problems. In addition, he is a good listener and can provide moral support for anyone who needs it. Lastly he is a skilled technician and engineer, having studied under his adopted father for several years. [/hider] By the way, are the Dolls doll sized or human-sized? And if anyone is interested in being my Doll shoot me a PM!