Pain shot throughout Glass' chest, Fifteen's powerful blow sending him flying backwards, plowing through volcanic earth and skidding across lava. Slowing his motion, the Namekian struggled to his feet, down but not out. That had definitely hurt, though, the sharp pains running through him as he stood telling him that at least a few ribs had been broken. He reassessed his condition, and found it lacking for the opponent he was facing, his muscles already growing weary against the tireless cyborg. 'A change of pace, then.' Still focused entirely on Fifteen, Glass' energy flared within him, focusing on a single point. "Dodon Ray!" A single brilliant beam of yellow light flew from his finger, aimed directly at Fifteen! Pouring energy in the technique, he hoped to break through the strange armor of the cyborg and finally deal some real damage! Sodius watched Fourteen fall down, collapsing towards the lava below. For a moment the Namekian hesitated, unsure of what to do as clarity began to dawn on the Namekian, intense pain running through his exhausted body. He didn't even have a good technique to use at this range. Instead of questioning what to do, Sodius opted to lower himself closer to Fourteen and observe her next move. With any luck, he'd be able to react if she attempted another attack, or catch the falling girl if she was out of the fight.