[b]Aubrey -Garden Square - Marcus[/b] While walking, Aubrey fondly remembered the times were she had wandered the streets. She had been hungry, thirsty, maybe even crying. It had gone on for days. Now, the girl seemed to navigate her way through Baton Rouge with ease, already knowing what stores had been fully looted and which stores others had not hit up yet. Her favorite was a practically forgotten sporting goods store. It was a tiny little thing that seemed almost insignificant and irrelevant from the outside. She had stumbled upon it one day when she had been followed by a couple of undead. In the store, she had kept quiet and survived off of beef jerky with only one bottle of water. Aubrey shook her head as she remembered that she was on her own little mission at the moment. Being so lost in thought, as she shook her head, her braid flew to the other shoulder and tapped her ever so lightly. The girl jumped and turned in the direction as she swung her bow. Nothing. Her cheeks turned a bright crimson as she realized that she had just scared herself. "Dumbass," she muttered. She stood quietly, focusing mostly on her breathing to slow her heart beat, but kept scanning the area with her eyes. Something that she was used to by now. Aubrey squinted as she thought she had seen a movement behind the trunk of a tree. She stayed put as she focused, and sure enough, there it was again. "More people..." She quickly slinked forward to the edge of the alley and stopped at the edge of the side walk. [i]'Magnus would love more people for his cure'[/i] Aubrey thought as she prepped herself to put on a façade for the cause. "Hello!?" As soon as the words left her mouth, Aubrey wanted to push them back in. Her eyes widened as she began to walk across the street. It was a man. A man dancing with a corpse. Aubrey froze in place and begged whatever God to let the ground swallow her at that moment. She wished Kerry was here, or Magnus himself. Just not her. Not by herself. There was a man dancing with an undead corpse and she had just yelled out to him.