Masaki asked and I have brought the first half of the Hebigami Twins and her #2 Esper. [B]Esper[/B] [I]Student/Big Brother/Vigilante[/I] [img][/img] [B]Name[/B]: [i]Hebigami Tetsuya[/i] [B]Nickname/Alias[/B]: [i]Tetsu, The Boy that Blackens Heaven, Zero-G[/i] [B]Magic Name[/B]: [i]N/A[/i] [B]Position[/B]: [i]N/A[/i] [B]Faction[/B]: [i]N/A[/i] [B]Seat Number[/B]: [i]25[/i] [B]Nationality[/B]: [i]Korean[/i] [B]Age[/B]: [i]17[/i] [B]Gender[/B]: [i]Male[/i] [B]Blood Type[/B]: [i]A[/i] [B]Biography[/B]: [i]Tetsuya is eldest twin of the Hebigami family. He was born a day before his sister finally followed, a rare occurrence. Tetsuya was always the one shouldered with responsibility whilst Shiho was allowed to be a brat for lack of a better word. Their father always taught Tetsuya to watch over Shiho and about the history of Espers. He believed that his children could emit AIM and he was correct as Tetsuya began to affect gravity around age 8, making local bullies stuck to the ground for picking on Shiho. His talents in such a field would one day grow to become one of the best espers alive. A happy home was far from the truth of the matter. Their younger days were filled to the brim with hardship due to attacks by other espers/magicians plus the many experiments the two twins were placed through to help realize their abilities. Tetsuya's potential grew exponentially farther then the tests theorized. During one of the infamous tests, Tetsuya learned that his parents were only so caring so they could foster the twins' abilities and they even thought about getting rid of Shiho due to her inability to grasp a level of power similar to her brother. This set the young boy into a venomous rage that unleashed gravity uncontrollably, destroying everything in the area except for Shiho. When the destruction was over, Aleister appeared like an Angel on high to take the children away leaving Tetsuya unsure of his parent's fates. For years the twins lived under Aleister's supervision, Shiho going to Hybrid Academy and Tetsuya attending another. Even while apart, the two never felt alone and Tetsuya was always around whenever Shiho needed him. He stood as the #2 Strongest Esper in Academy City and a champion to the people. [/i] [B]Personality[/B]: [i]Tetsuya has a bit of a sister complex, he would go to any length to protect his sister. The two are a separate parts in a pair, usually for what the other lacks, the twin fills the gap. Focusing on Tetsuya in particular he retains a certain degree of confidence, but is mostly introverted. He is a bridge between calm and sporadic, with a friendly nature towards familiars and aggressive nature shared among hostiles and threats. Most of all, Tetsuya is overflowing with desire, his is ambitious and his growth reflects that much of his time growing up has been in pursuit purely of objectives. The thought of obtaining object or status rings bells in Tetsuya's mind, and he asserts the utmost strength of character when enticed with such a challenge. This speaks on a concurrent wavelength with how Tetsuya exhibits his willpower and refusal to stay down even in what seems to be the most en-tropic of situations. Ever since his childhood, Tetsuya has always been known to be a clever and very perceptive individual. Behind his piercing red eyes is an analytical mind that is quick to adapt and deal with any strenuous situation. While his physical capabilities are exceptional without question, his mind is also one of his greatest weapons. In any battle, Tetsuya always takes anything of value into account. From his opponent's quirks to changes in mood or mentality. To him, one can read their opponents next moves based on their state-of-mind and habits. Also, he places a high importance on a person's analytical prowess. In the past, he once told Aleister that one of the most important skills anyone can have, rookie or seasoned, is to see the patterns and relationships among the evidence if the time should ever come. [/i] [B]Likes[/B]: [i]Reading Training His large collection of jackets Exploring the city Nature Dogs His sister Ria in her maid outfit [/i] [B]Dislikes[/B]: [i]Those that push others around Homework Religion Being unable to help someone Anyone that ruins his jackets When his sister is being TOO bratty even for him Cats Anyone threatening Shiho [/i] [B]Skills[/B]: [i]Tetsu possesses many skills that have been honed over the years. In his younger years, he was taught the art of combat by his father. Karate was the art that triggered Tetsu's talent to flourish and his mind opened up to the tactical nature of combat. Not only was Tetuya able to grasp combat but, he is relatively smart in the area of Computer Science. Tetsuya has a keen eye for detail built over many years. [/i] [B]Ability[/B]: [i]Zero-Gravity - Tetsuya possesses the ability to manipulate gravitons (the subatomic particles that carry the force of gravitational attraction) and anti-gravitons (similar particles but with opposite force and spin of gravitons) thereby giving him control over gravity. Tetsuya can surround any person or object, including himself, with gravitons or anti-gravitons, thereby increasing or decreasing the pull of gravity upon it. Many abilities are granted to Zero-G including highly-concussive blasts, formation of gravitational force fields and levitation, flight, and had also been proven capable of generating gravitational fields in various objects. It has been stated by Aleister that Tetsuya at full power could use the gravity of the sun to strengthen his abilities though it would wear his body out at a far greater rate. As per the handicaps, Tetsuya's manipulation of gravity is only up to a few feet meaning that he must rely on close range and h2h combat I.e Gravity infused Karate with fighting game-esque attacks. Along with that, Zero-G's gravitational forces are weakened against forces that don't rely on gravity such as wind, lightning, and etc. Shiho is particularly nearly immune to Tetsuya and her solar abilities easily penetrate his own.[/i] [B]Magic[/B]: [i]Has no interest currently[/i] [B]Theme Song(s)[/B]: [URL=]Life Moves Too Fast[/url] [url=]A Hero has AWOKEN![/url] [url=]We have to be as one, Shiho[/url] [B]Extras[/B]: [i] He has a full grown Husky by the name of Accel. Tetsu has a great interest in the resident Maid Coffee shop. Many have come to see Tetsuya as a Esper of the people, protecting anyone from wrongful harm. Plenty of gangs beware of Tetsuya's wrath.[/i]