Race: Light Elf Name/Moniker: Kyros Andronica Height: 6'0 Weight: 170 lbs Physical Description: [img]http://s4.postimg.org/ax38upeod/bac4abedaacf7ddff8eb6b951b2e1d75.jpg[/img] (just pretend the picture is an elf) Missing his left leg, but has learned to move quickly despite this. Magical Abilities: Skilled with fire magic Quirks/Personality: Kyros is very confident, particularily with women, almost obnoxiously so. He can be very competitive, and hates to lose any sort of competition. He can sometimes act stuck up, as he is quite rich. Backstory: Kyros was born to a poor family shortly before the dragon war began. Most of his early life was consumed by farmwork, until he watched his father and his older brothers go to war against the dragons. Once he reached the age of 18, he joined the army, and spent many years perfecting the art of fire magic and sword fighting. Throughout the war he watched his family fall one by one to the dragons, and it seemed that as quickly as he could make new friends they would die at the feet of the winged beasts. He was one of the few soldiers to have survived the entire war. He fought on the side of Kenomo during the second civil war, but was taken prisoner by the Shadowmares. After being involved in a prisoner riot and escaping the Shadowmare prison, he was branded an outlaw. For 50 years he worked with different bandit groups in the wild, until he was granted a pardon and he returned to the city. He has been working as a mercenary since then, and is always looking for a way to fuel his love for war. He is currently 300 years old.