"This place is so much more interesting than hell. More things go on here and everything!" Light said to herself, walking along a busy street in Karakura town, watching as the humans did their daily lives unable to see or feel her except for the few that bumped into her who looked confused afterwords but ignored it otherwise. Light was a hollow, but unlike other hollows, Light spent most of her time in Hell, having found a way there when one denizen of hell was dragged back, Light following him out of curiosity and finding herself a mixed blessing. Hell was a world of pain and survival, but also of opportunity. While nearly everything wanted everything dead, and the world was very strange, strong souls were a plenty, and kept on coming back even after being eaten multiple times. This gave Light far more strength than she should have as a non-menos hollow, although she herself was unaware of much of a hollow's lore or standards as never learned these things having spent a great deal of time in Hell getting stronger and stronger, and only escaping just recently. Having seen other hollows from time to time, Light found it odd why they were so weak, and why they wanted such weak souls for food, especially since such weak souls had such interesting things. Even though being a hollow, the local Soul Reapers really didn't bother her much as she didn't 'feel' like a hollow to them, or so she was told by other hollows she had fought. Nor did she act like a normal hollow, so besides one incident with a soul reaper who seemed to be fresh ou tof the academy, they mostly just left Light to her own devices. The sun was setting as Light was watching a strange show on television about some sort of colorful pirate guy wearing a straw hat. The store owner, closing up for the day, turned off the television, forcing Light to wander until she found herself in the park, a place she noticed where hollows seemed to frequent. Hungry, she waited a bit to see if any hollows were going to pop in and say hi, or barring that, step back into Hell for a bit and come back when the humans were busy again. Her patience was sound as a human who had apparently been killed recently wandered by, and a large hollow appeared nearby. Stepping between the two, Light motioned for the hollow to stop. When it didn't, Light punched the large lizard thing to the ground. Gesturing for the human soul to leave, as she had no interest in it, she looked at the hollow who's attention she had gotten by decking him. Light found other hollows detestable for the most part, as while they made a decent substitute for the hell souls, they weren't nearly as clever or as fun to hunt. They were often barbaric, mindless, or just plain old stupid, and Light hadn't found one that she really cared much for. "You hunt the weak, I hunt the weak hunter." Light said at the large hollow's confusion as to how someone so small could be so strong. Hopefully she'd finish up the fight before a soul reaper got involved or something, she didn't want another skirmish with an academy newbi who had a strange notion of attacking her on sight. It was a shame too, Light'd more than happily sit down and have an idle chit chat with them if they had offered, but no, she had to accidentally knock his head off. And unlike the hell people, the soul reavers didn't regenerate at all. TDLR: Character introduction and Light is now fighting a hollow in the park.