Consistently shifting of the hand brake, keeping the car in a tight spin, the improper usage of the vehicle leaving the parking lot covered in tire tracks. Alex was just beginning to fall into a pattern, when the loud sound of a tire blowing out was heard, along with the car jolting to the side, before slamming into another parked vehicle. "дерьмо" Muttering one word in Russian, the boy glanced around quickly. While the dead have been swung off multiple times from the centrifugal force of the car's spins, they were getting right back up. Swearing again, he looked into the bag, before pulling out the blow torch, and searching for the valve at the side of the nozzle. Decreasing the amount of gas released, but increasing the width of the choke, allowing for a longer but cooled jet of fire instead of the usual short, melting hot flame. Quickly unlocking the door, he stumbled out, before running back towards the garage. Letting loose with small bursts of flames towards the heads of the dead that shambled towards him, Alex bolted inside, and grabbed a welding helmet, mentally sighing that the arc welder was too heavy and cumbersome to bring along. Wearing the helmet, he quickly crossed to the door leading to the hallway, and opened it, only for one of them to be standing right there. Without time to depress the switch, Alex did the first thing that came to mind. He swung the blow torch, crushing the head between the tank and the door frame. Glancing over his shoulder, he noticed the other undead were headed this way as well, seemingly drawn by the sounds of his footsteps. Swearing softly to himself once more, he hurried into the school, shutting the door behind him. "Now...time to find others to stick with." Although he tried his best, walking silently was not his specialty, despite how hard he tried to keep his footfalls light. Probably due to carrying the tanks inside his backpack. At least, that's the excuse he came up with. Glancing around, he noticed that, although there were a few stragglers meandering in the halls, it seemed his plan worked, and had drawn most of the horde away. However, before he could stay too long, a thud could be heard from the door that he had just came from. Looks like time was running out. "забей на это дерьмо" Hurrying down the hall, he swung the blowtorch multiple times, making sure to down every single one of them that could pose a danger to him this moment, along with the fond 'double tapping', bashing in each and every head to make sure they were dead.