[Hider=Appearance][img]http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/463/keij.jpg[/img][/Hider] [color=00aeef][B]Nishihara Kei[/B][/color] As I had expected, this place continued to overcome all my expectations regarding it's nickname as the Chaotic Academy. Just when it seemed like all the delinquents (or not) in the classroom would settle down and just allow this stupid punishment to pass, Ria, who I no longer could simply call ice stripper due to there being another girl vying for that title, decided to use her ice to hold us in place while at the same time telling us to get out. I would have called her out on such a contradiction, if not for the fact that someone burst the wall. In hindsight, I thought I should later thank Ria. Ria dashed after the mysterious invader. Apparently, she also forgot to free us from our ice shell. My previous thoughts about thanks waned a bit as I wondered what to do next. Thankfully, one of my fellow delinquents, a towering giant managed to break through the ice shell, clearing a path. Almost immediately afterwards, someone seemed to levitate us all out from the wreckage of the what used to be that holding room. From the reactions, I guessed it must have been work of the glasses girl who seemed to be friends with towering giant. I really had no time to actually confirm it, since it seemed like a good number of my colleagues in detention recklessly followed after the trail of destruction left by Ice Stripper #1 and Wall Breaker. I followed the trail of destruction without really thinking about what I'd do. Reaching what had been a battlefield, my work seemed cut out for me. A lot of injured people. Many of them seemed pretty close to dying. "[color=00aeef][b]I can do this... This much is nothing.[/b][/color]" I muttered to no one in particular, as if that would give me confidence, while approaching the nearest injured person. There were too many people for me to really take care of it all, but thankfully there were more people around who seemed to have a similar idea. I decided to try and find the worst cases. If I could heal the injuries on the worst cases just enough, they could survive until ambulances arrived. "[color=00aeef][b]But what kind of monster does this...?[/b][/color]"