This day should be a time of celebration for the family of Hozuki Yoshiru as both brothers of the young ninja to be had returned from the dangerous mission of bringing down the rouge Jinchuuriki that had been rampaging though the Land of Water. At the same time the youngest of the family had his first day at the Academy the next day and everyone was proud of him and would love to through a party but with supplies running low there were not many options of what could be done. After some debate the family decided that they would stay inside as the brothers recounted the mission with Anbu to hunt down the Jinchuuriki as they huddled around a small fire inside the house to keep everyone warm as the night grew colder outside. The next day Yoshiru woke to the sound of rain hitting the wooden roof of their house and slowly rolled out of bed with a large yawn. It was still early in the morning and if there was a sun in the sky it would have just been creeping over the horizon to shine down on the mist covered village but instead the village was covered in the grey sheets of rain. He threw on his normal clothes before grabbing a water resistant jacket to wear over his clothes as he headed into the kitchen were his mother was preparing a light meal for the family with some of the food that was still left in the house before he left for the Academy. Yoshiru tried to huddle under his jacket and clucked tightly to his water bottle with the Hozuki Clan crest as he walked down the street to the Academy. He enjoyed taking the water bottle with him wherever he went as it had been a gift from his father in hopes that one day he would learn the Hydrofication technique which was the signature of the Hozuki Clan. Even though Kekki Genkai was frowned upon with the entire Land of Water the Hozuki seemed to be able to maintain themselves within Kiri and were still established even with the disdain shown by some of the populace. It was this that was on the young ninja's mind as he entered the Academy and pulled off his hood to shake the water from his hair as he made his way to his classroom. Yoshiru sat quietly on his stretcher as Yuzuki-sensei introduced herself before calling for the students to introduce themselves. He stood up from his spot and looked around the room at the others who were seated. [color=00aeef]"I am Hozuki Yoshiru, of the Hozuki Clan. I hope that we will all get along and I am also not a girl."[/color] He told everyone with a smile before adding the last part with a slight frown as he heard some of the other students mutter about him being a kunoichi.