[quote=@NadareRyu] [@Kal-El][@Hebigami Shiho] I regret the fact that I focused on feeding Haru information about #1 that I said little about #2 other than his ability. #2 is supposed to be an extremely greedy person because of his ability/Personal Reality. I haven't been able to enforce the rule about abilities needing to relate to personalities because of how vague this can be at times and that I came in when a good handful of characters were approved already. If possible, change Tetsuya's character to one that is of a greedy person. Also, the twins have Japanese names yet their nationality is Korean, so change one or the other to match. Other than that, I see no other problems really. As for Shiho[the character], the personality was done well. If I were to use a character as an example for this ability/Personal Reality/personality stuff, she'd be one of them. Only one special skill though so flight or barrier. If the barrier it can't be strong enough to withstand a Railgun at level 3. Bullets maybe but I'd use fireballs thrown by Ueno as a baseline. I hope that sig. move is meant only to work on herself, since Haemokinesists are meant to be the only ones in the science side to have direct healing capabilities. [/quote] Blargh. Personality is 50% of the character to me so, I'll see what I can do. Unless I make him similar to like..Greed from FMA Brotherhood as an example, I know I won't have much fun with it. Though..then again I made the literal personification of Greed into a character of good and Kindness as a literal evil so I can probably make it work. Well there names fit the area they live in. Just like Asians/Hispanics/etc will name their children american names because they stay in America. Most of Academy city follows Japanese naming so, the twins are meant to follow that. It is a small quirk but makes sense in context. I suggested that for Shiho. Why is her being able to help heal others exiled and only allowed for the science side? Her abilities make sense in that regard though I thought of it being used more for her and Tetsuya for how their powers work.