[quote=@NadareRyu] [@Kal-El][@Hebigami Shiho] I regret the fact that I focused on feeding Haru information about #1 that I said little about #2 other than his ability. #2 is supposed to be an extremely greedy person because of his ability/Personal Reality. I haven't been able to enforce the rule about abilities needing to relate to personalities because of how vague this can be at times and that I came in when a good handful of characters were approved already. If possible, change Tetsuya's character to one that is of a greedy person. Also, the twins have Japanese names yet their nationality is Korean, so change one or the other to match. Other than that, I see no other problems really. As for Shiho[the character], the personality was done well. If I were to use a character as an example for this ability/Personal Reality/personality stuff, she'd be one of them. Only one special skill though so flight or barrier. If the barrier it can't be strong enough to withstand a Railgun at level 3. Bullets maybe but I'd use fireballs thrown by Ueno as a baseline. I hope that sig. move is meant only to work on herself, since Haemokinesists are meant to be the only ones in the science side to have direct healing capabilities. [/quote] So, can it be so that she can heal herself AND Tetsuya? Ya know, since they are twins and all. That way, it wouldn't go against the original objective of the power ;P