Kamli sat in the archives going over a few files from the Ruusan Reformation with a pair of padawans, her sabre propped against the desk next to her when the feeling came over her. The sensation hit her hard enough that she grasped at the table for support and reached for her sabre by instinct, she fumbled the grab however and only succeeded in knocking the staff-like hilt to the floor with a dull metallic thud. Whatever had happened the shock wave of pain and betrayal it sent through the force was intense and it took a few moments for her head to stop reeling from the effect. Both the padawans had felt it to different extents she discovered when she could concentrate again. Carefully she picked up her sabre and concentrated on the force to try and discern what may have happened from aftershocks. After concentrating for a minute or two all she got was the same feeling of pain and betrayal in lesser amounts. Her eyes snapped open as the distant sound of blaster fire and explosions drifted through the doors of the archives. [I]Fighting in the temple?[/I] she wondered to herself, [I]Had the Seperatists struck Coruscant again as they had when they abducted the Supreme Chancellor?[/I] Motioning for the Padawans to stay behind her he moved towards the door to see what was going on. looking out the door she almost didn't believe what she saw. Clones several squads of them advancing up the large corridor shooting at any jedi they encountered. Quickly ducking back out of view she told the padawns to run for one of the smaller entrances of the archives, there was no way they were going out into that corridor. No sooner had she done that, Blaster bolts started flying through the doorway where he head had been only moments before. Gripping her sabre tightly she resisted the urge to turn and fight and instead ran after the padawans, there was little she could do against such numbers after all. the trio raced across the archives to one of the smaller doorways out of the large chamber the two padawans a little ahead of her as she kept looking over her shoulder towards the main entryway and pausing to urge others in the room to run also. she was about 5 meters from the doorway the two padawans had just reached when the whole doorway exploded inwards. fragments of artisan carved wood splintered like missiles into the room several coming very close to striking Kalmi outright, several more still closer as one small piece embedded itself in her thigh just above the knee and several more ripped through her clothes and left shallow cuts on her face. The concussive force of the blast sent her reeling for the second time in 10 minutes as she gripped her sabre tightly and used it to keep herself upright. Of the two padawans there was little to see, what she could see made her sick to her stomach. Blaster bolts followed the explosion and shaking off the effects of the blast Kalmi dug the fragment of door from her leg and focused on the force to conceal her as she moved for what was left of the doorway. A few moments later a squad of clones moved into the room and started gunning people down, Kalmi dropped her concealment and ignited her sabre, striking down the nearest clone before it was aware of her. Moving quickly Kalmi enhanced her speed with the force she moved in and struck at the next trooper just as it registered the death of its squadmate. Next she struck out at the other four clones with malacia, disorienting them briefly so she reposition and strike again. A long swipe with her sabrepike took two of them in the chest before they could recover themselves and Kamli moved in fast to strike a third with the butt of her sabre on the backswing taking him in the knee with a satisfying crack moments before she brought the blade around and sliced clean though the troopers helmet. The Last trooper recovered his wits long enough to snap off a shot at Kalmi, the shot took her clean in the arm and only her focus and training kept her sabre moving to strike him down before he could fire again. The last of the six troopers fallen at her feet she deactivated the sabre and took a moment to breath and take stock of herself. Her arm hurt like hell, she had a dozen cuts all over herself and a small hole in her leg that was bleeding slowly. There was little she could do about any of that right now, so she gathered her strength and prepared to set off down the corridor the clones had just come from, knowing more were entering the archives behind her. With luck she could find some of the masters at the temple and make a stand with them or flee if that was what the masters decided.